Community First Responder Resources

The Shire of Narrogin continues its commitment to improving community safety.  

There are currently (as at May 2022) 24 Defibrillators within the Townsite of Narrogin and 1 within the Townsite of Highbury.

Unsure of how to use a defibrillator? Then watch St John WA DON'T BE AFRAID TO DEFIB video

Community members are also encouraged to download the free St John Ambulance First Responder app. Visit the St John WA website for more information.

The app has a range of resources:

  • First Aid Instruction Guide – helping you to treat a range of injuries and illnesses;
  • GPS Triple Zero Calling – calling 000 from the app will send your GPS coordinates directly to the St John State Operation Centre, making it easier for an ambulance to locate you;
  • Defibrillator Locator – showing all the defibrillator locations near you;
  • Medical Servicer Locator – highlighting the nearest medical centres and emergency departments;

Another feature is its unique first responder capability.  The app allows qualified first aiders to sign up as a first responder and be notified when someone has called 000 for an ambulance within 500 metres of their current location in order that they can provide assistance.

Maintaining Defibrillators

This handy maintenance checklist from St John Ambulance (Victoria) might be useful for those that manage public defibrillators on their premise.

The Shire of Narrogin encourages all those that manage such units to ensure they are always in operational order for that emergency situation. If in doubt contact Narrogin St John Ambulance Sub Branch, or 98811322.

 how-to-maintain-defib-checklist-v5.pdf (

The Shire of Narrogin proudly manages and maintains 3 public defibrillators, 1 within the Narrogin Regional Leisure Centre, 1 facing Clayton Road near the entrance of the Narrogin Regional Homecare (Jessie House) and the International Hockey Turf and 1 at the Narrogin Railway Station.