
The Shire of Narrogin offers a wide variety of properties to community and sporting groups, companies and individuals for lease.

These include the following categories:

  • Retail - including several buildings on Federal Street, Narrogin;
  • Commercial - including the Westpac Bank in Fortune Street, Narrogin;
  • Community - including to service groups, cultural and art groups and community halls;
  • Sporting - including clubs such as for football, golf, speedway etc.

The Shire of Narrogin may enter into a lease or licence with a third party over property owned or managed by the Shire of Narrogin.

Any lease, or licence, will be subject to Council approval, and Department of Lands’ approval if located on a Reserve.

Properties Potentially Available for Lease (current as at 30/01/2024)
Property Address Suitable for Assessment Details

Former Railway Goods Shed

Lot 504 Fairway Street, Narrogin            

Commercial / Freight / Artisans / Logistics / Community A105171 Goods Shed, Parking, Rear Road. part used by NRHC. - good storage shed and secure parking - grounds currently used in part for RV Camping.
Portion of Lot 1117 Bannister Street, Narrogin  Community / Private Recreation A109850 | A109851 | A263164 Michael Brown Park and clubrooms (vacant).
339 (Lot 123) Earl Street, Narrogin  Residential / Lifestyle Village Development JV / Community A140450 Former Golf Course - future residential estate. Freehold, approximately 27ha.
29-31 Felspar Street, Narrogin Commercial / Light Industrial A174000 Currently let Short Term to 14/04/2024 - Former Shire Depot - 4 lots, sheds and land, no functioning toilet.
31 Egerton Street, Narrogin Shop / Retail / Commercial Redevelopment A313200 Former ambulance centre, now History Hall, will consider demolition and redevelopment options. Freehold.
Shop 1, 86 Federal Street, Narrogin Retail Shop / Offices                Shop / Retail / Offices A315600 Shop tenancy – Former jewellers' shop. Currently let short term, to Lumen Wheatbelt Regional University until 30 June 2025, without option to sublet. Otherwise, vacant and available for lease.  Valuation Report Available.
Shop 2, 82 Federal Street, Narrogin Retail Shop / Offices                 Shop / Retail / Offices A315600 Shop tenancy – Currently let to Holyoake until 29/12/2028. Valuation Report Available.
William Manning Rooms (Office 2, 80 Federal Street, Narrogin at Town Hall) Office / Retail / Community / Arts A315600 2 Offices (available together) fronting Federal Street. Vacant and available for 1/2 day, full day, short or long term lease. - Currently let to Narrogin Dance Centre until 5/1/2025.
Doug Fairclough Rooms (Office 3, 80 Federal Street, Narrogin at Town Hall) Office / Retail / Community / Arts A315600 2 Offices (available together) fronting Federal Street. Vacant and available for 1/2 day, full day, short or long term lease.
39 Federal Street, Narrogin (Part 3) Shop / Retail / Offices A340210 Currently let to St John WA until 01/11/2029. Floor plan available.
41-43 Federal Street, Narrogin (Part 2) Shop / Retail / Offices A340164 Currently let to CSBP until 28/2/2026 - 304 sq metres lettable ground floor, with first floor and secure yard. 
45 Federal Street, Narrogin (Part 1) Shop / Retail / Offices / Cafe / Restaurant Accommodation A340209 Let to Feddys Diner until 24/2/25 with 12-month option to renew - 353 sq metres lettable ground floor, with accommodation unit first floor, secure storage and secure storage yard.
30 Gray Street, Narrogin Options as a Daycare / Afterschool / Playgroup / Childcare A319600 Former East Narrogin Primary School Kindergarten. Valuation Report Available.

Railway Station Meeting Room

Office Vacant and available for hourly, 1/2 day, full day.

Portion of Airfield

2202 Clayton Road, Minigin

Flight school / aircraft maintenance / hangars A340182 Part of Airport – lease options associated with airport. Freehold.

Portion of Airfield

2194 Clayton Road, Minigin

Flight school / aircraft maintenance / hangars A340183 Part of Airport - lease options associated with airport. Freehold.
Lot 205 Mokine / Great Southern Highway, Dumberning Light industrial A47 Future industrial subdivision. Freehold.

Please contact the Shire’s Chief Executive Officer on 08 9890 0900 or email enquiries@narrogin.wa.gov.au to discuss your particular interest in any Shire owned or controlled property.