Narrogin Regional Homecare

The Shire of Narrogin’s Aged and Disability Services provides in home, community based services to assist people who are frail aged or have disability to continue living at home.

Living independently in your own home is not always easy when you get older.  Sometimes simple tasks like taking a shower or getting dressed can become a major ordeal, and if you no longer have a driver’s license, getting to appointments can be hard.  With the right support, you can receive help to make your life easier, and this will enable you to continue living in your own home.

Narrogin Regional Homecare can help eligible clients with HACC Services, Commonwealth Home Support Programme Flexible Respite (CHSP), Home Care Packages, Veterans’ Home Care and Commonwealth Carers Respite.


As you grow older, you may be one of many people who prefer to remain living in their own home.

Narrogin Regional Homecare Services provides a range of community services designed to provide the support you need to keep living comfortably and safely at home.

The services are individually tailored to your unique situation and they are planned to be flexible, so you receive the assistance you need to maintain your daily routine.

The things we do

Depending upon your requirements, our staff can help you with:

  • Carer Respite (more information here)
  • Day Centre Activities, Outings and Dementia Care
  • Counselling, Support, Information and Advocacy
  • Gardening
  • Home Maintenance/Wood Chopping
  • Housework/Domestic Assistance and Laundry
  • Meals/Other Food Services
  • Meals on Wheels
  • Showering and Personal Care
  • Social Support/Social Activities/Shopping
  • Transport

Homecare Information Brochure

Jessie House

Jessie House is an Activity and Respite Day Centre for people who are socially isolated and people with memory loss.  Staff at Jessie House are committed to maintaining independence and enhancing quality of life for those attending, whilst providing respite and support to carers.

Jessie House Brochure


Clients are individually assessed in accordance with National Standard criteria and funding guidelines.  If Narrogin Regional Homecare is unable to provide a service to you, we will suggest other agencies that may be able to help.

To be assessed for Home and Community Care please call the Regional Assessment Service (RAS) on 1300 785 415.  You do not need a referral.  If you would prefer to call Narrogin Regional Homecare and speak to us prior to calling the RAS you are most welcome and Narrogin Regional Homecare could call the RAS for you.

For general enquiries about aged care you can telephone My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or visit

Our Newsletter

Click here for our latest newsletter

Other Further Reading

Narrogin Homecare Client Handbook

Narrogin Homecare Fees Policy

Dementia Care Support Group

Wellness Approach

Flexible Respite

My Aged Care

Alzheimer's Australia Launches Video

Dementia News


Location: Jessie House, Clayton Road, Narrogin  (between the Leisure Centre and the Hockey Field)

Phone: (08) 9890 0700

Fax: (08) 9881 4695


Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8.30 am - 4.30 pm