Disability Services

The Shire of Narrogin is committed to ensuring that the community is accessible and inclusive for people with disability, their families and carers.

The Shire interprets an accessible and inclusive community as one in which all Council functions, facilities and services (both in-house and contracted) are as open, available and accessible to people with disability as for other people in the community, providing them with the same rights and responsibilities as other people.

The Shire is aware of the fact that as it is a regional centre, residents of the shires of Cuballing, Wickepin, Wagin and Williams (all located within a 50 kilometre radius of Narrogin) commute regularly to Narrogin for work, shopping and leisure activities and that the Shire’s accessibility and inclusiveness is important to the communities of these surrounding local governments.

The Shire:

  • recognises that people with disability are valued members of the community who make a variety of contributions to local, social, economic and cultural life;
  • believes that a community that recognises its diversity and supports the participation and inclusion of all its members makes for a richer community life;
  • believes that people with disability, their families and carers should be supported to remain living and participating in the community:
  • is committed to consulting with people with disability, their families and carers,and the community in general, to ensure that barriers to access and inclusion are appropriately addressed;
  • Is committed to supporting local community groups and other relevant organisations to facilitate the inclusion of people with disability through access to information, services and facilities in the community; and
  • is committed to ensuring that its agents and contractors work towards the desired outcomes in the Shire’s DAIP

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) 2024-2029

In line with the requirements of the Western Australian Disability Services Act 1993, the Shire of Narrogin has a DAIP.

The Plan reflects a commitment to making Narrogin an inclusive and accessible regional Wheatbelt town for residents and visitors with disability  and expresses our commitment to the principles and objectives of Western Australia’s Disability Services Act 1993.

The Plan embodies a review of the  2018-2023 DAIP and combines past and current strategies and policies and incorporates feedback from community consultations.

 We continue to rely on the community’s feedback about our services and facilities and welcome comment on our progress.

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024-2029

Useful Information


Upper Great Southern Family Support Association Inc. (UGSFSA) Contact Details
Upper Great Southern Family Support Association Inc. (UGSFSA)
Address: 107 Federal Street Narrogin WA 6312
PO Box: PO Box 453 Narrogin WA 6312
Phone: (08) 9881 4557
Fax: (08) 9881 6557
Email: admin@accessability.org.au