Disability Access & Inclusion Plan

The Shire of Narrogin is committed to fostering an inclusive and accessible community that ensures equal opportunities for all residents and visitors, including people with disabilities. Our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) reflects our dedication to removing barriers and enhancing participation for individuals with disabilities in all aspects of community life.

The objectives of the DAIP are to:

  1. Promote Accessibility: Ensure that all public facilities, services, and programs are accessible to people with disabilities, promoting their independence and participation in community activities.

  2. Enhance Inclusion: Foster an inclusive environment where people with disabilities can engage in social, recreational, and economic opportunities alongside other community members.

  3. Increase Awareness: Raise awareness and understanding of disability issues among residents, businesses, and community organizations, encouraging a culture of inclusivity and respect.

  4. Improve Communication: Provide information in accessible formats and utilise communication methods that cater to the diverse needs of individuals with disabilities.

  5. Collaborate with Stakeholders: Work in partnership with community organisations, service providers, and individuals with disabilities to identify and address accessibility challenges.

  6. Monitor and Evaluate: Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of the DAIP to ensure ongoing improvements in accessibility and inclusion.

By implementing this plan, the Shire of Narrogin aims to create a community where everyone can thrive, contributing to a more equitable and connected society.

Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024-2029