Shire Heritage Inventory
There are numerous buildings within the Shire of Narrogin with cultural heritage significance. Under the Heritage Act 2018 the Shire of Narrogin is required to compile and maintain a heritage inventory of places in the Shire which are, or may become, places of cultural heritage significance.

Photo courtesy of: Greg Davis
Local Heritage Survey 2019
Shire of Narrogin Heritage Places
The Shire of Narrogin Local Heritage Survey 2019 can be found here on our website. Each listing in the inventory contains details regarding a description of the property, construction dates, materials, and a statement of significance as well as a management category.
The assigned management category for each heritage listed property is based on the cultural heritage significance of the site. An explanation of the management categories can be found below:
Category A: A place of exceptional cultural heritage significance to the Shire of Narrogin and the State of Western Australia, that is either in the Heritage Council of Western Australia’s Register of Heritage Places or worthy of consideration for entry into the register. Some places are currently on the Heritage Council’s assessment program. A place worthy of recognition and protection through provisions of the Local Planning Scheme. A Planning Application needs to be submitted for any proposed development. The Planning Application is referred to the regional Wheatbelt Heritage Advisor for comment and background information for the Heritage Council of Western Australia. The development application needs to be submitted to the Heritage council for approval for any proposed development and the Shire of Narrogin cannot approve contrary to the Heritage Council’s recommendation.
Category B: A place of considerable cultural heritage significance to the Shire of Narrogin that is worthy of recognition and protection through provisions of the Local Planning Scheme. Planning Applications needs to be submitted for any proposed development and referred to the Regional Wheatbelt Heritage Adviser for comment.
Category C: A place of some cultural heritage significance to the Shire of Narrogin. There are no constraints. It is encouraged to retain the place, and document the place if retention is not possible.
State Heritage Register
Some of the places listed on the Shire of Narrogin’s Local Heritage Survey 2019 are also listed on the State Heritage Register. The State Register is a list of places representing the history and development of Western Australia with statutory application. Entry into the State Register is the highest recognition awarded to heritage places at a State level.
If you are unsure if your property is registered on the State Heritage Register you can search the State Heritage Office database through:
or alternatively contact the Shire's Planning Department on 9890 0900 for further information.
More information on heritage listings it can be found at: