Council Policy Manual

The Policy Manual is the compiled decisions of Council to the CEO and other officers, detailing how specific matters are to be administered, the standards to apply etc.

Policy Manual

 Council Policy is over-ridden by:

  • Commonwealth and State legislation and regulations,
  • the Local Planning Scheme
  • Local Laws
  • Council resolutions
  • Delegations

Council Policy overrides:

  • Executive Instructions Local Government Guidelines – (although are not decisions of Council, close observance is strongly recommended)
  • Administrative directions/instructions.

The decisions can be made at any time and may be varied at Council’s discretion. Council Policy is not binding on the Council, but is binding on officers, unless discretion is stated. Council Policy is to be considered as Council’s standing or permanent instructions.

The Local Government Act requires the development of only a few policies, otherwise all policies are at Council’s sole discretion.

Policies of a local government required by the Local Government Act 1995 include:

  • Adoption of an Attendance at Events Policy (S5.90A) (Policy 1.15)
  • Adoption of an Elected Members Code of Conduct (S5.104) (Policy 1.1)
  • Adoption of an Employees Code of Conduct (S5.51A) (coming soon)
  • Adoption of Continuing Professional Development Policy for Elected Members (S5.128) (Policy 1.17)
  • Adoption of a Policy relating to employing a CEO or Acting CEO (S5.39A and B and C) (Policy 2.1)
  • Adoption of Regional Price Preference Policy (R24C Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996) (Policy 3.2)
  • Adoption of a Policy that pays employees more than required by their contract or award (recognition of service / gratuity) (S5.50) (Policy 8.19)

Policy is not required to be based in legislation but can be a stand-alone instruction of Council. However, it cannot be inconsistent with legislation.

Within the Policy Manual is a detailed outline of:

  • how actions and administrative decisions are to be made,
  • when they are to be implemented or made,
  • limitations and restrictions etc.

Please note: Policies adopted under the former Shire of Narrogin Town Planning Scheme No. 2 consistent with clause 8.7 of the Scheme or former Town of Narrogin Town Planning Scheme No. 2 consistent with clauses 3.3.4 and 7.9 of the Scheme, can be found here.