Rural Clinical School
Did you know…..that every year Narrogin is host to four third year medical students from The Rural Clinical School of Western Australia (RCSWA).

The students are from both the University of Western Australia and Notre Dame University. The RCSWA was established in 2002 to help deliver better health outcomes for people living in regional, remote and rural areas of the state. It has proven its worth.
Peer-reviewed research continues to show that, upon graduation, medical students who undertake a year of Rural Clinical School are almost four-times more likely to return to work in the country compared to others. That is positive news for the future of rural towns such as Narrogin.

(The 2017 Students won Corporate Bowls Day.)
The RCSWA began with seven students in four towns; today, it has programs in 14 rural towns where more than 80 students can spend their penultimate year of study under the guidance and close supervision of around 100 professional and academic staff.
Maintaining an appropriate level of rural health workforce has been, and continues to be, a challenging task in enabling the health and medical welfare of Western Australians who live outside our major towns.
Narrogin site has an administrative and teaching building and provides student accommodation. We have an exceptional corps of local doctors and medical staff who are generous with their time in teaching and mentoring students. Visiting specialists to Narrogin are also very involved in educating our students by offering student observation opportunities.
The students engage in local sporting and other activities during their time in Narrogin and really immerse in our local community. You may come across the medical students when you visit the GP, emergency department, visiting specialists, or allied and community health clinics, as well as crossing paths with them in the community during their time in Narrogin. And as history shows, you may even see them again down the track as your doctor! See Alumni.