Volunteer with Us

Discover the Rewards of Volunteering in Narrogin

At the Shire of Narrogin, we believe in the power of community and the positive impact of volunteering. Volunteering is not just about giving back; it's an enriching experience that contributes to personal well-being and community development. Explore the various opportunities we offer and become part of a vibrant and engaged community.

Health and Well-being Benefits of Volunteering

Volunteering is not only a valuable service to your community but also a rewarding journey for your own health and well-being. Research shows that volunteering can:

  • Enhance Mental Well-being: Engaging in meaningful activities can reduce stress and increase overall happiness.
  • Physical Health Benefits: Volunteering often involves physical activity, contributing to better physical health.
  • Build Social Connections: Meet new people, make friends, and strengthen your social network.
  • Skill Development: Acquire new skills or enhance existing ones through diverse volunteer opportunities.
  • Make a Difference: By volunteering, you play a crucial role in enhancing the quality of life for residents, promoting positive change, and fostering a sense of pride in our community.
  • Sense of Purpose: Volunteering with the Shire of Narrogin gives you a sense of purpose and accomplishment as you see your efforts directly benefitting those around you.

Volunteer Roles at the Shire of Narrogin

Narrogin Regional Homecare:
  • Jessie House Social Club: Socialise and create a positive environment for community members.
  • CATS Driver: Provide transportation assistance for community members (community vehicle provided) to essential services that cannot be conducted within the local area (eg travel to and from Perth, Bunbury Joondalup Hospitals).
  • Meals On Wheels Driver: Deliver nutritious meals to those in need and provide a friendly and supportive interaction.
  • Bus Driver on Excursion Trips: Assist in organising and facilitating group outings.
Narrogin & Dryandra Visitor Centre (NDVC):
  • Welcome visitors and share information about Narrogin and Dryandra.
  • Provide guidance on local attractions, events, and activities.
  • Assist with inquiries and ensure visitors have a memorable experience.

Old Courthouse Museum:

  • Assist with artefact cataloging, preservation, and restoration.
  • Engage with visitors, offering insights into historical exhibits.
  • Contribute to the planning and execution of museum events.

Bush Fire Volunteer:

  • Attend to emergency callouts and fire incidents.
  • Engage in fire suppression and containment efforts.
  • Assist in community evacuation and relief operations.

    Friends of Narrogin Cemetery:

    • Cleaning and maintaining individual graves.
    • Repairing or reporting any damage to grave markers and headstones.

    Friends of Foxes Lair:

    • Participating in conservation projects to protect and enhance the natural environment of Foxes Lair.
    • Conducting weed removal, tree planting, and habitat restoration efforts.

    Friends of NRLC (Narrogin Regional Leisure Centre):

    • Actively engaging with the local community to promote the benefits and offerings of the NRLC.
    • Encouraging community involvement in leisure center programs and activities.
    • Assisting in the organisation and execution of events hosted by the NRLC.
    • Helping with logistics, set-up, and coordination during special events and programs.

    Friends of RW (Bob) Farr Memorial Library:

    • Participating in or leading storytelling sessions for children.
    • Supporting and promoting reading programs and literacy initiatives.
    • Assisting in the planning and execution of library events and programs.
    • Providing logistical support during events, such as setup, registration, and coordination.
    • Historical Document Archiving and Cataloguing.

    Non-employee or Elected Member Representatives:

    • Participate in various Shire Advisory Committees, Working Groups & Reference Groups.

    How to Get Started:

    1. Explore Opportunities:

      • Browse through our diverse range of volunteer roles.
      • Choose the one that aligns with your interests and schedule.
    2. Apply Online:

    3. Orientation and Training:

      • Upon acceptance, receive comprehensive orientation and training.
    4. Start Your Volunteer Journey:

      • Embark on a fulfilling adventure of volunteering and community impact.

    Volunteer Handbook

    Additional Resources:

    For more information on the health and well-being benefits of volunteering, and to explore other volunteer opportunities in Western Australia, visit these resources:

    Join us in building a stronger, healthier, and more connected Narrogin!