Emergency Preparation and Response
Local Emergency Management Arrangements (LEMA)
When an emergency occurs, it's vital that you and your family are prepared to either evacuate immediately or have the resources available at home to be able to live comfortably for several days without power, water and access to shops. Read more about your:
Local Emergency Management Committee
Local Emergency Management Arrangements (LEMA),
Local Recovery Management Plan
Local Emergency Evacuation Plan
The revised Australian Fire Danger Rating System (AFDRS) will be implemented across Australia on 1 September 2022. Fire Danger Ratings describe the potential level of danger should a bushfire start.
AFDRS Information
Important information on firebreaks, fire control and Fire Control Officers is available on our Fire Control Page.
Local Emergency Communications
Emergency Communications Fact Sheet
Preparing for Bushfires
The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) provide a range of information and brochures to help residents prepare for and respond to bushfires.

DFES Total Fire Ban Information Line: 1800 709 355.
Bush Fire Season: What Can You Do To Prepare
As we approach the summer months, the risk of bush fires increases in our region. Bush fires can be devastating for our communities, our environment, and our livelihoods. That’s why it’s important to plan ahead for emergency situations, especially as we do, live in areas prone to natural disasters such as bush fires. It could save you and your family’s life.
The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) has created a useful resource website that provides you with simple advice and directs you to resources where you can find practical actions to prepare for and cope during a range of emergencies. Some of the topics covered include:
- How to create a Bush Fire Survival Plan that outlines what you will do if a bush fire threatens your home or property.
- How to prepare your home and property for bush fire season by reducing fuel loads, clearing gutters, installing sprinklers, and more.
- How to stay informed of bush fire alerts and warnings through various channels such as radio, TV, social media, and the Emergency WA website .
- How to act safely during a bush fire by following the instructions of emergency services, wearing protective clothing, and knowing when to leave or stay.
- How to recover after a bush fire by accessing support services, cleaning up safely, and restoring your property.
We encourage you to visit the DFES website and take some time to review the information and resources available. By being prepared, you can help protect yourself, your family, and your community from the impacts of bush fires.
Preparing for a Power Outage During Bushfires
To help prepare organisations and local residents for a power outage during bushfire season Western Power have developed a brochure and short checklist which can be accessed below.
Outages and restoration times can be monitored by visiting westernpower.com.au or downloading the Western Power app to a mobile device. Faults, emergencies and power interruption information can be accessed through our emergency line on 13 13 51. For general enquiries please call 13 10 87.
Water Supply and Defending your Home
Water Corporation would also like to remind you that if you plan to stay and defend your home you must have an INDEPENDENT water supply and pumping capability. Scheme water may not be available due to damaged infrastructure, extreme demand depleting supply and pressure, or a cut to power which is used to pump water.
Hazards when Returning Home after a Bushfire
Bushfires do not only present a risk to health while they are burning. Returning to your home after a bushfire can expose you to a variety of hazards which you should be aware of. These include:
- Burnt and friable asbestos cement material
- Ash from burnt treated timbers, such as copper chrome arsenate (CCA) timber
- Damaged chemicals, poisons or pesticides
- Ash and dust
- Fumes from burnt plastic material
- Metals and other residues from burnt household appliances
- Decomposing food in your fridge following power outages
- Damage to on-site wastewater systems such as septic tanks or leach drains causing sewage problems
- Contamination of swimming pools or rainwater tanks with debris and bacteria
- Dead animals, particularly on farms, that need be appropriately buried.
For more information about these hazards, go to the Department of Health website: https://www.healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/After-a-bushfire-hazards-on-your-property.
Preparing for natural disasters
Read our information brochure on how to prepare and stay safe during a natural disaster.
information brochure
Develop an Emergency Plan
Make sure you're aware of all of the potential emergencies that may occur in the Shire of Narrogin and make sure your plan will apply to all. Take the time now to sit down with all of your family members and make everyone aware of what to do and where to go, should an emergency occur.
Where to go
In the event of a major emergency, designated evacuation centres are set up for the community to seek refuge. The locations are dependent on where the emergency is taking place. For more details read our Evacuation Information Brochure.
Evacuation Information Brochure.
In some cases, it may be safer to stay where you are. Please listen to the radio and follow the advice of the Emergency Services people.
Prepare your property for all emergencies
Are you Emergency Ready? Here is a simple guide.
Other things to consider
- find out how to turn off your power, water and gas supplies;
- cut lawns and keep them short (and green, ideally);
- remove dead grass;
- remove dead branches from trees and any that are overhanging your property;
- arrange for a qualified tree doctor to remove tree branches overhanging power lines;
- remove piles of rubbish and paper, particularly from near buildings;
- remove leaf litter from gutters and roofs;
- install smoke alarms and ensure existing ones are working;
- ensure loose items that could possibly damage your property in strong winds are secured; and
- maintain your firebreaks.
Prepare your emergency survival kit
The following list of items are an example of what could be in your kit, however the list is dependent on individuals needs and should be carefully thought out:
a battery-operated transistor radio on hand to listen to alerts;
a first aid kit and manual;
a torch (with spare batteries), candles and waterproof matches;
a three days' supply of canned foods, can opener, plate and utensils;
a water in containers - (for three days)
a medications, toiletries, sanitary supplies;
a change of clothes, strong shoes and gloves, goggles;
a Nappies, baby food, bottles, formula if required
a combination pocket knife;
a food and items for your animal (see Evacuation Plan brochure);
a money including change for a public phone; and mobile phone charger
a portable stove with gas