As part of the Shire's commitment to supporting the local business community the Shire has signed the Small Business Friendly Local Governments' Charter.
This initiative, developed by the Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC), formally recognises local governments working towards, ‘better practice’ in engaging with their small business community. The Shire is committed to small businesses by:
- Working to further enhance customer service
- Payments within 30 days
- Having a process in place to handle disputes
- Investigating and being open to introducing other activities to assist in improving the operating environment for small businesses in Narrogin
- Continuing to work closely with the Narrogin Chamber of Commerce
The Shire of Narrogin is proud to be ‘small business friendly’ and is one of a number of Local Governments in Western Australia embracing this program currently.
The Small Business Development Corporation is a valuable resource to small business owners. Here is a link to the Small Business Development Corporation to find the numerous resources available to you.
Are you dissatisfied with our services, one of our officers, or seeking to resolve a dispute with us? Are you aware that the Small Business Development Corporation has a Dispute Resolution Service available here?
For enquiries, resolving a dispute, or confidential discussion regarding business matters, your primary contact is:
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: (08) 9890 0900
and secondary contact is:
Executive Manager Development & Regulatory Services
Tel: (08) 9890 0900
On behalf of the Shire of Narrogin, this is our commitment to small business.
Dale Stewart
Chief Executive Officer
Leigh Ballard
Shire President