East Narrogin Primary School

Established in 1963, East Narrogin Primary School provides a safe, inclusive learning environment for Kindergarten to Year 6 students with a focus on the wellbeing of each child.
"Our school is focused on ensuring all students, regardless of ability or style of learning, are provided with the opportunity to reach their full potential in a positive, supportive and engaging learning environment. We foster individual student interests, encourage active participation in the learning process, and provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge and skills to real life experiences and challenges.
The Chaplain and the AIEO are an integral part of our school community, working to strengthen links between families, the local community and the school. Our canteen is managed by the P&C, offering healthy lunches, whilst our pastoral care staff provide students with a nutritious start to the day through Breakfast Club each morning.
In recent years our staff have been recognised through the WA Education Awards for the care and support shown to students. We provide specialist programs in Music, Visual Arts, Library, Indonesian and Physical Education to enhance our curriculum offerings.
Amity Health operates from our on-site Community Centre. Their programs include:
- “Kids Hub” playgroup
- Mums and Bubs
- Ready Set Go – a pre-Kindy program
- Circle of Security
- Bringing Up Great Kids – mindful parenting
At East Narrogin PS we maintain high expectations of our staff and students, recognising that high quality teaching positively impacts student learning outcomes. We celebrate good behaviour, challenge students academically and provide opportunities for children to be leaders in their classroom, school and in the community.
East Narrogin Primary School welcomes the opportunity to share our school and our achievements with parents, carers and visitors to the school."