Elected Members
The President and Elected Members are elected by the local community to represent the interests and needs of the community.
Elected Members provide community leadership and guidance and facilitate communication between the community and the Council.
Elected Members play a very important policy-making role, requiring the identification of community needs, setting objectives to meet those needs, establishing priorities between competing demands and allocating resources.
The role of the Shire President and the Elected Members is specified within the Local Government Act 1995.

Elected Members and Executive Management Staff of 2023
Back L-R: Mr Azhar Awang (Exec. Mgr Development & Regulatory Services), Mr Torre Evans (Exec. Mgr Technical & Rural Services), Cr Clive Bartron, Cr Murray Fisher, Cr Tim Wiese, Cr Josh Pomykala, Mr Mark Furr (Exec. Mgr Corporate & Community Services).
Front L-R: Cr Roxanne McNab, Cr Graham Broad (Deputy Shire President), Mr Leigh Ballard (Shire President), Mr Dale Stewart (Chief Executive Officer), Cr Murray
Contacting your Elected Members
Elected Members can be contacted by phone, see list below, or via email or in writing to Shire of Narrogin, PO Box 1145, Narrogin WA 6312.
Council Policy - Attendance at Events by Elected Members & the Chief Executive Officer
Pursuant to Section 5.90A of the Local Government Act 1995, a copy of the Council’s Policy for attendance at events by Elected Members & the Chief Executive Officer, can be found in the Council Policy Manual - Policy Number 1.15