Public Health

Public Health Planning

In November 2021, Council adopted the Shire’s first ever Public Health Plan (PHP); building on the broad direction provided by the State Public Health Plan for Western Australia and providing a framework for improving the health and wellbeing of the community.

The purpose of the PHP is to promote, protect and improve the health and wellbeing of all residents in the Shire and to support the community to enable good health and wellbeing through various stages of life and across a range of identified health issues. The development of the PHP included the collation and examination of local health data, and the identification of the public health and wellbeing needs of the community. It involved consultation across service areas of the two towns and Shire, the community and other key external stakeholders. Through this process, health risk areas in the community were identified which were grouped into key priority areas; Healthy People and Community; Healthy Places and Spaces; and Healthy Partnerships:  The document includes a series of strategies and actions for each of the priority areas, aimed at creating a physical, social, economic and cultural environment that supports and promotes health and wellbeing.


A copy of the adopted PHP can be found here:

Public Health Plan 2021-2026


The Shire of Narrogin will respond to most forms of noise complaints. For those complaints relating to parties or where anti-social behaviour is likely, please contact the local police station for assistance on 9881 1911

For complaints in relation to crowing roosters please submit a written complaint detailing why the rooster is affecting your amenity.  We can only act on a written complaint.

For complaints in relation to other animal noise please contact the Ranger.

The noise legislation does provide for exemptions for certain types of noises such as construction noise, festivals, "specified equipment" and traffic noise. For further information on any noise issue, please contact the Environmental Health Officer.

Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997

Neighbourhood Noise Information sheet.

Noise Complaint Form

Please note: All details you submit on your complaints form are treated as confidential, however, contact details are required so that the complaint can be thoroughly investigated.

Nuisances & Keeping of Animals

Public health legislation exists to govern nuisances by way of odour and their potential to be injurious or dangerous to health. This can take the form of malfunctioning septic tank systems, keeping animals in such a way so to create a foul odour or attract pests, as well as any form of accumulation that in itself creates a nuisance or attracts or harbours pests.

Health Local Laws have been implemented to specifically outline how certain activities may be carried out so as to minimize any potential impact to any neighbouring properties.

Environmental Health

The role of the Shire of Narrogin's Environmental Health Officers is to manage the public environmental health risks in the areas such as food safety, development control, disease control, pollution control and community living. Where acceptable standards are not maintained the officers assume an enforcement role.

 General Complaint Form