New Ventures in Narrogin CBD Southwest Aboriginal Medical Services (SWAMS)

Published on Monday, 20 September 2021 at 9:49:58 AM

There is a great deal of enthusiasm for new business ventures in the Narrogin CBD. 

One that is attracting a lot of attention is the new-to-town South West Aboriginal Medical Service (SWAMS) aimed at providing health care services to the community who can access culturally appropriate services like doctor appointments, counselling, Aboriginal health practitioners, nurse’s clinics and NDIS support. Not only do SWAMS provide health care, but they also advocate and offer preventative health education services. The service employs seven people from Narrogin and the wider region.

Shire President Leigh Ballard said “We are certainly getting some great choices here in Narrogin and the district is very fortunate to have a culturally appropriate facility, such as SWAMS being established here”.

The SWAMS is open Monday to Thursday and is located on Federal Street at the corner of Fortune Street. Leigh also said “Having visited the lovely and personable staff today, I’d encourage the community to drop into the SWAMS office to see what services they can provide and programs that can assist you in preventing chronic health issues that can be debilitating with time”.

Dr Clare Willix (GP) explained “We are so excited to be finally open here in Narrogin. We are providing a niche service to the communities of Narrogin and surrounds and we intend to work in with the other practices and health care providers to bridge any gaps, and we definitely are not here to compete.”

The Shire President along with the Narrogin Chamber’s Committee Representative, Murray Fisher, visited SWAMS to wish them every success in their new business and acknowledged their confidence in Narrogin’s as a suitable location to service the wider district in the field of Aboriginal health.

The SWAMS employees were presented with a Chamber welcome pack and the Shire presented a box of goodies sourced from Wild & Waste Free, all wrapped up in the Shire of Narrogin ‘Love the Life’ calico shopping bag.

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Further information on this media release may be obtained by contacting Dale Stewart, or telephone 08 9890 0900.

SWAMS Staff and Shire Representatives

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