Media Release - Renewable Bio Diesel Plan Unveiled For Narrogin

Published on Friday, 11 March 2022 at 4:30:32 PM


 Carnarvon Energy Limited and Frontier Impact Group have announced a joint venture renewable diesel business as FutureEnergy Australia with a site 4km immediately south of the townsite of Narrogin being its first site.

 FutureEnergery Australia has secured an exclusive 12 month option to purchase a 65ha site on the outskirts of Narrogin.

 Future Energy Australia is currently undertaking due diligence and progressing relevant approvals.  The biorefinery business plans on converting sustainably sourced wood biomass such as construction waste, ecological thinnings and plant-based agricultural waste such as chaff into renewable diesel using a high temperature pyrolysis.

 Shire President Mr Leigh Ballard said “This will be a huge economic boost to not just Narrogin, but also to surrounding towns.” He also said “This is an exciting project to be based in Narrogin as it is the first of its kind to utilise Front-End Engineering and Design and help reduce emissions being released”.

 “It also dovetails nicely with the recent announcement from the INPEX/ANZ Bank consortia that is also targeting Narrogin as the location of its first project under the Wheatbelt 2050 Rejen Ag Project.” “Narrogin is extremely well situated for green energy and biodiesel hubs due to its proximity to Perth, necessary power take off and feed in points, good transport infrastructure routes, as well as the availability of suitable products and biomass, within a 100km radius of the townsite”.

 “This is fantastic news for farmers and also the community in general”. “The Shire looks forward to working with the proponents as they develop their various approvals, to maximise benefits to the region, whilst ensuring that our social, environmental and economic values are not just protected, but enhanced.”

 Renewable diesel can be used to replace conventional diesel without any modifications being required to every day vehicles. In addition, to the biodiesel, the pyrolysis process also produces high quality biochar which when refined further produces graphene, which is used in the next generation of high capacity, long life, fast charging batteries.

 Details of the announcement to the Australian Stock Exchange can be viewed here


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For more information about the proposal from the proponent, please contact Luke Derbyshire, Managing Director, Spoke Corporate on 0488664246 or 

 Further information on this media release from the Shire may be obtained by contacting Dale Stewart,  or telephone 08 9890 0900.

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