The Rainbow Serpent, 2011
Location: Gnarojin Park Artist: Jahne Rees & Ross Storey Title: The Rainbow Serpent, 2011 Date: 2011 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 1
4 X Boomerang Seats
Location: Gnarojin Park Artist: Jahne Rees & Ross Storey & the local Noongar community Title: 4 X Boomerang Seats Date: 2011 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 2
The Charrnock Woman
Location: Gnarojin Park Artist: Ross Storey, with facilitator Danka Scholtz Lorenz Title: The Charrnock Woman Date: 2011 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 3
Narrogin Poles
Location: Gnarojin Park Artist: Jahne Rees, Graeme Miller & Ross Storey Title: Narrogin Poles Date: 1994/2010 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 4
Koor-nam-ing Koor-liny
Location: Gnarojin Park Artist: Jenny Morrison, Cecile Williams with community artists Ross Storey, Michelle Penny, Scott Ugle & Brian Colbung
Title: Koor-nam-ing Koor-liny – men and women meet while walking about Date: 1994 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 5
Marramucking Well
Location: Gnarojin Park Artist: Unknown Title: Marramucking Well Date: 1994 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 6
The Waugal Wall
Location: Narrogin Primary School Artist: Darren Hutchens & Ross Storey Title: The Waugal Wall Date: Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 7
Town Hall Piazza
Location: Town Hall Piazza, Narrogin Artist: Rebecca Cool with assistance from the local community artists and Ross Storey Title: Town Hall Piazza Date: 2015 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 8
The Narrogin Race Track Mural
Location: Narrogin Race Track Artist: Catherine Williamson Title: The Narrogin Race Track Mural Date: Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 9
A Living Life of Sport
Location: Narrogin Leisure Centre Artist: David McFall and Samuel Fenton Title: A Living Life of Sport Date: 2003 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 10
Community Art Project
Location: Rear of Town Hall, Fortune Street Laneway Artist: Lee Thompson with Narrogin Artists Group (Joy Rich, Evelyn White, Susan Riley) Title: Community Art Project Date: 1992 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 11
Location: NEXIS Narrogin Exhibition Space Artist: Paul Connor community art workshops with local artists Title: Mosaic Date: 1999 - 2000 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 12
Highbury Sundial
Location: Great Southern Hwy, Highbury Town Centre Artist: Highbury District Community Council, E. Barrett-Lennard (Designer) Lionel Brookes (Builder) Title: Highbury Sundial Date: Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 13
Shire of Narrogin Entry Plaque
Location: Shire Offices, Fortune Street Artist: Paul Connor community art workshop with local artists Title: Shire of Narrogin Entry Plaque Date: Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 14
Town of Narrogin Entrance Statements (5)
Location: Various Artist: Elinor Binning and Narrogin’s Men Shed Title: Town of Narrogin Entrance Statements (5) Date: 2016 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 15
Horizons and Our hearts in the land the future is in our hands
Location: Narrogin Agriculture College Student Accommodation & Student Services Artist: Monique Tippett and Carl MacMillan Title: Horizons and Our hearts in the land the future is in our hands Date: 2013 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 16
Colour Collective
Location: Narrogin Senior High School Artist: Alex Spremberg Title: Colour Collective Date: 2014 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 17
The Narrogin Health Service Artworks
Location: Narrogin Health Services Artist: Lorenna Grant and Stan Samulkiewicz Title: The Narrogin Health Service Artworks Date: 2017 Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 18
Bridge Handrails
Location: Gnarojin Park Artist: Max Werner Title: Bridge Handrails Date: Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 19
The Centenary Pathway
Location: Gnarojin Park Artist: Bernd Kaiser Title: The Centenary Pathway Date: Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 20
Newton House Barbeque Picnic Table
Location: Gnarojin Park Artist: Jenny Dawson, hand painting of tiles by Carol Taylor, Evelyn White, Joy Rich, Mrs Chan Title: Newton House Barbeque Picnic Table Date: Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 21
Newton House Tile Patchwork Quilt
Location: Gnarojin Park Artist: Jenny Dawson hand painting by Carol Taylor, Evelyn White, Joy Rich, Mrs Chan Title: Newton House Tile Patchwork Quilt Date: Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 22
Railway Institute Stories Off the Wall Mural
Location: Railway Institute Hall Artist: Rebecca Cool and local community artists Title: Railway Institute Stories Off the Wall Mural Date: Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 23
Town Hall Seating
Location: Narrogin Town Hall Verandah Artist: Stan Samuelkiewicz and David Coates Title: Town Hall Seating Date: Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 24


Newton House Barbeque
Location: Gnarojin Park Artist: Bernd Kaiser Title: Newton House Barbeque Date: Medium: Sculpture Size: Large Art #: PA. 25
Western Power Transformer Box
Location: CBD Artist: Olivia Robinson Title: Western Power Transformer Box Date: 2022 Medium: Mural Size: Large Art #: PA. 26
Irrigation Water Tank
Location: Memorial Park Artist: Olivia Robinson Title: Irrigation Water Tank Date: 2022 Medium: Mural Size: Large Art #: PA. 27



Railway Station Store Room Wall
Location: Narrogin & Dryandra Visitor Centre Artist: Ross Storey Title: Railway Station Store Room Wall Date: 2022 Medium: Mural Size: Large Art #: PA. 28
Gnarojin Park Toilet Facilities
Location: Toilet Facilities/ Gnarojin Park Artist: Georgina Patterson Title: Gnarojin Park Toilet Facilities Date: 2024 Medium: Mural Size: Medium Art #: PA. 30
Caravan Park Toilet Facilities
Location: Toilet Facilities/ Caravan Park Artist: Roy Smith Title: Caravan Park Mural Medium Date: 2024 Medium: Mural Size: Medium Art #: PA. 31


Caravan Park Toilet Facilities
Location: Toilet Facilities/ Caravan Park Artist: Roy Smith Title: Caravan Park Mural Large Date: 2024 Medium: Mural Size: Large Art #: PA. 32
Narrogin Regional Leisure Centre Mural
Location: Narrogin Regional Leisure Centre Artist: Jerome Davenport Title: Community Resilience Date: 2024 Medium: Mural Size: extra large Art #: PA. 33