Members of the public have a number of opportunities to participate in the formulation of the Shire’s plans, policies and strategies as well as comment on the performance of the Shire’s functions.

Council Meetings

Ordinary Council meetings are monthly - the 4th Wednesday of each month at the Council Chambers, 89 Earl Street Narrogin. Meetings commence at 7.00pm and members of the public are welcome to attend. A period of fifteen minutes is allocated at each meeting for “public question time”. Time allowed can be extended at the Presiding Member’s discretion. Read below for other ways the public can participate in Council meetings.

Deputations & Submissions

With the permission of the Shire President, a member of the public can address the Council personally on behalf of a resident or group of residents. A deputation may relate to an item on a Council meeting agenda, or a matter concerning the affairs of the Shire generally.

Each deputation is normally allotted a period of ten to fifteen minutes, although again this period may be extended if required.

Requests for a deputation should be in writing addressed to: Attention: The Shire President C/- The Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 1145, Narrogin WA 6312. Requests for a deputation must be received by the Chief Executive Officer before 12 noon on the Thursday before the next scheduled Council Meeting. Approval may be granted but is dependent upon other commitments and topic presented. A written summary may be requested prior to enable assessment of the presentation.

Public Question Time

Under the Act, Public Question Time occurs early in the meeting to allow members of the public to ask questions before the business of the agenda is dealt with.  The Shire welcomes questions at Council meetings subject to its adopted policy and procedures. Simply download a submission form, fill in your questions and submit to the Shire office by 4pm the day prior to the meeting. (Notice of questions allows officers time to research and provide an answer at the meeting).  Priority will be given to those questions relating to matters on the agenda and also those received on time. Questions can also be raised without notice at a Council meeting and staff can assist you with this process. See page 2 of the policy and procedure document for full procedure information.

Adopted policy and procedure – Public Question Time

Public Question Time Submission form

Public Question Time Submission form


Written petitions can be addressed to Council on any issue within the Council’s jurisdiction. Petitions are tabled at the next available Council meeting and referred to the CEO for consideration and reporting. The guidelines for submitting a petition are as follows:

A petition is to be addressed to The Shire President and be made by electors of the district.  The request must be stated on each page of the petition and contain the names, addresses, signatures of the electors making the request, and the date each elector signed. It must contain a summary of the reasons for the request and state the name of the person who is coordinating the petition, and an address and contact details at which notice to the petitioners can be given.

Written requests

A member of the public can write to the Shire on any Council policy, activity, function or service. Elected Members

Members of the public can contact the Elected Members of Council to discuss any issue relevant to the Shire.


Residents may be notified of issues by advertising in the local newspaper, written notification or an on-site sign. Residents then have the opportunity both to write to Council, within specified timelines, expressing their views on the issue and to subsequently personally address the Council before a decision is made.

Community Consultation & Engagement

Consultation with the community can be either formal or informal.

Formal: There is a requirement to consult with the community when legislation prescribes that it must happen, e.g. amending local laws.

Informal: The Shire elects to consult with the community when it considers that it is necessary to hear the views of the community or it is simply in the interest of the community that it be consulted. The Shire consults with its residents on particular issues that affect their neighbourhood in a number of ways including advertising in local papers, calling public meetings, attending Community Advisory Committee meetings, questionnaires, conducting surveys.

Service Requests

A records management system has been established to meet the essential elements of handling service requests. The Shire welcomes suggestions and comments relating to such things as officer behaviour; attitudes; service standards; condition of facilities as an opportunity to learn, and to improve services. The system aims to solve customers’ problems; correct the cause of the problem; reduce the number of future issues and increase public satisfaction and support for the Shire. Requests and suggestions can be made in writing to: The Chief Executive Officer, Shire of Narrogin. PO Box 1145 Narrogin WA 6312 or online.

Disturbances from Members of the Public

Any member of the public addressing or observing the Council meeting is to extend due courtesy and respect to the Council and the processes under which they operate and must take direction from the person presiding. Interrupting or interfering with proceedings may attract a penalty in line with Council’s Meeting Procedures Local Law 2016.