The Public Art Strategy & Masterplan 2019 provides a foundation for the development of public art within the Shire of Narrogin. The Strategy explores a vision and identifies public art themes and narratives for the Shire, types of public art best suited to the Shire’s needs and recommends sites and locations for public art. The Masterplan establishes a way forward for implementing the Strategy. The document facilitates embedding public art into the fabric of the Shire to reflect the unique history, diverse communities and the creativity of Narrogin and its districts and shows a way forward for the Shire to contribute to creating a vibrant, cultural and creative Narrogin.
The vision is to create contemporary spaces that bring nature and culture together and are much loved by the community and visitors alike. In its entirety this document is aspirational and promotes the ethos that the Shire of Narrogin understands that excellent public art can be provocative and awe inspiring and the visionary aspect of art can promote conversation and enrich relationships within any community. Public art can express community values, enhance our environment, transform a landscape, heighten our awareness or question our assumptions.
The Public Art Strategy was developed through research, surveys and community consultation and with reference to key planning documents including the Shire’s Strategic Community Plan 2017–27, the 2016 Narrogin Townscape Study Review and the 2018 Gnarojin Park Masterplan.
The Strategy’s implementation will require the Shire to consider and assess the potential contribution of partnerships with art groups, community based organisations, government departments and the Chamber of Commerce. It is likely that over time our work will eventually culminate in a Narrogin Public Art Trail - an attraction for locals and tourists alike - in which a range of individual public artworks can be viewed and appreciated.
Currently the Shire is identifying grant funding for new public art projects for Narrogin.
You can view the full Public Art Strategy & Masterplan 2019 here.