Renewal of Drivers Licence
Where a photo is required for renewal of a Drivers Licence. Please ensure that primary and secondary ID is provided and personally attend at the Shire of Narrogin administration office to have a photo taken.
Examples of Primary Identification
- An Australian passport
- An original birth certificate or a certified copy
- A photographic drivers licence (expired no more then 2 years)
- A photo identity card for police or defence force personnel (excludes identity cards issued to civilians)
- A current Document of Identity issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
- An Australian citizenship or naturalisation document or immigration papers issued by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs
- A consular photo identity card issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Examples of Secondary ID
- A current entitlement card (eg: Medicare card or Pension card.)
- A current credit card or ATM access card
- A passport or account statement from a bank, building society or credit union no more than 12 months old
- A telephone, gas or electricity account not more than 12 months old
- A water or local rate notice or land valuation notice no more than two years old
- An electoral enrolment card or other evidence of enrolment not more than two years old
- Armed Services discharge papers not more than 12 months old
- A State or Federal Government employee photo identity card
- A certificate or statement of accomplishment or enrolment form a recognised educational institution
- A letter, not more than 12 months old, from the principal of a recognised educational institution
- Statutory declaration completed by a parent. Surname/Family name of applicant and parent must be the same. Parent must produce both primary and secondary identification and be in attendance. Applicant must satisfy personal primary identification requirements.