Mental Health Support During COVID-19

The COVID-19 outbreak may generate a range of impacts on community and individual mental health and well-being.

This may include preoccupation with specific details related to COVID-19, in addition to increased anxiety, stress or worry within individual families and communities. The impact of COVID-19 on mental health and well-being may also extend to those who experience quarantine or self-isolation.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) have prepared a resource to support mental and psychosocial wellbeing during the Coronavirus outbreak.

The Commonwealth Government has provided an initial $74 million to support the mental health and wellbeing of all Australians. The Commonwealth Government’s digital mental health portal, Head to Health, will provide information and guidance on how to maintain good mental health during the coronavirus pandemic and in self-isolation. A new national communications campaign will also be delivered in conjunction with the National Mental Health Commission.

$10 million will be provided to create a dedicated coronavirus wellbeing support line, delivered by Beyond Blue, to help people experiencing concern due to a coronavirus diagnosis, or experiencing stress or anxiety due to employment changes, business closure, financial difficulties, family pressures or other challenges.

The Life in Mind Team at Everymind has worked with the suicide prevention and mental health sectors, and in collaboration with the National Mental Health Commission to provide a comprehensive list of resources to support those affected.
The Mental Health Commission (WA) is working closely with other government agencies including with peak organisations and the mental health, alcohol and drug community services sector to provide a consolidated and consistent approach across the sector. The Mental Health Commission has released general support information on its website and further information is intended to be developed. The Think Mental Health campaign provides tools to support mental health and wellbeing. Strong Spirit Strong Mind includes information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples about Coronavirus and where to get help.

The Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH), the peak body for community mental health in Western Australia, is committed to supporting its members, the community mental health sector, the State government, the people they work with, people with lived experience, and the broader community to stay safe, well and connected

Access the following helpful Wheatbelt resources at the links below:

Think! Mental Health Resources

Mental health support expanded for Wheatbelt youth

The Wheatbelt Youth Severe Service, a partnership between Youth Focus and Avon Community Services is offering free counselling for disengaged young people at risk of chronic depression and other mental health challenges. This service is available to the whole of the Wheatbelt region during the COVID-19 crisis.

Access the Outreach Referral Form here.


Providing free emotional support services to anyone in Western Australia who feels overwhelmed by the current COVID-19 situation or their personal circumstances. Phone 1800 811 747 to access 3x free phone or video counselling sessions with a mental health professional, without the need for a GP referral.

Appointments can be made between 8.30am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

Appointments for phone and video counselling are available between 7.00am and 7.00pm.